Structures with their foundations in watercourses, such as bridges, are susceptible to scour. Scour increases the risk of damage and can even lead to structures collapsing. This is particularly significant with bridges on public highways, where collapse can lead to injury, disruption and financial loss.


It is important to manage scour risks in an effective and consistent manner, identifying bridges most at risk and requiring action.

Time for WHS

WHS has completed detailed Level-2 scour risk assessments at structures on trunk roads in the East Midlands and North Wales. These have included hydrological assessments of watercourses and evaluation of individual scour risk ratings.

WHS has expertise in flood hydrology, hydraulic modelling, river geomorphology and environmental assessments. We have been extensively involved with the development of current UK standards for flood estimation including the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) and associated software required by the BD97/12 guidance for scour assessments.

We also liaise with the Environment Agency and other statutory bodies to ensure cost effective and accurate assessments

Result: Our assessments give our clients detailed information on the level of risk for each bridge, allowing them to determine and prioritise maintenance required.