Qube enables you to estimate river flows for any river reach in the UK, even where measured flow data are not available.

Qube is used as a best practice tool for estimating flows in ungauged catchments by the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Environmental Protection Agency and UK water companies.

Qube is the evolution of LowFlows Enterprise and moves beyond the estimation of flow statistics. Qube enables the seamless modelling of both flow statistics and time series anywhere, with accuracy being the only distinction between gauged and ungauged catchments. The incorporation of generalised time series models builds on 25 years of research and implementation by Wallingford HydroSolutions. In addition to modelling natural flows, the UK and Irish regulators also use Qube to model the impacts of water use.

Within this web-based system you can explore a rich mapping interface and search by place, catchment and feature names or grid references. Define any catchment (over 0.1 kmĀ²) and estimate annual and monthly mean flows and flow duration curve statistics and daily time series. In addition to the rich user interface for interrogating data, you also export CSV tables of flows, as well as charts, maps and catchment boundary shapefiles.

Currently available for lease on a regional basis, more flexible access options will be made available. Please contact us for licensing information and pricing.