What’s New in ReFH 2?
ReFH 2 delivers a comprehensive update of the Revitalised Flood Hydrograph (ReFH) design package for both catchment and plot scale applications.
The WHS team have recalibrated the ReFH2.3 model for use with FEH22 rainfall in liaison with all the UK regulatory agencies and UKCEH, following the release of the FEH22 rainfall model via the FEH Web Service. This latest ReFH2.3-FEH22 calibration is now available for download.
Further information on the FEH22 design rainfall and the recalibration of the ReFH2.3 model is available here:
- ReFH2 online technical guide
- ReFH2 Science Report: Calibration and Evaluation of the ReFH2.3-FEH22 Design Event Model
- FEH Web Service online user guide
- BHS webinar on FEH22 rainfall and the associated ReFH2 calibration
ReFH 2 includes:
- The ReFH2.3 model, which closes the water balance for both the rural and urban components.
- Modelling FEH22 and FEH13 design rainfall events. FEH22 is the FEH’s latest UK-wide statistical model for rainfall depth-duration-frequency (DDF) estimation.
- Modelling an observed rainfall event and antecedent conditions.
- The option to apply climate change factors to design rainfall.
- Use of seasonal initial soil moisture content Cini.
Further information about ReFH 2 can be found in our online technical guide and supporting science reports.