[1] LowFlows 2 User Guide. (This is a reduced size pdf, the original pdf is provided on your installation CD).

[2]  Young A. R., Grew R. and Holmes M.G.R. 2003. Low Flows 2000: A national water resources assessment and decision support. Water Science and Technology, 48 (10).

[3]  Boorman, D.B., Hollis, J.M. and Lilly, A. 1994. Hydrology of Soil Types: a Hydrologically-based Classification of the Soils of the United Kingdom. IH Report 126.

[4]  Holmes, M.G.R., Young, A.R., Gustard, A.G. and Grew, R. 2002.  A new approach to estimating Mean Flow in the United Kingdom.  Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 6(4) 709-720.

[5]  Holmes, M.G.R., Young, A.R., Gustard, A.G. and Grew, R. 2002.  A Region of Influence approach to predicting Flow Duration Curves within ungauged catchments.  Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 6(4) 721-731.